Stop...COLLABORATE...and listen

When most people hear that we co-parent they immediately ask about all the messy things... arguments, custody, schedule arrangements. The things that make good gossip 😳

What people don’t see is the upside to co-parenting.

Have you ever seen the show on TV about sister wives? Jordan will tell you that I’m more than enough for him to handle - no way he needs four wives. But...these ladies on the show have something really cool... a built in group of mom friends who understand them. 👯‍♀️

Co-parenting can be similar. Once you get past all the raw emotion and work through all the messy stuff, and there will definitely be messy stuff, there’s the potential to have that “sister-wife” experience without sharing your husband 😉

Working as a team to be cohesive parents for our kiddos means we spend a lot of time discussing the kids. Their grades, their teachers, their needs emotionally and physically, pick-up/drop-off, book fairs, hair cuts, illnesses, medical bills, and just LIFE are all topics in any given week.

They have to be discussed so we’re all on the same page and we’re a united front for the kids. With all that discussion means I have that mom-friend who doesn’t judge, knows my kids’ quirks, understands whatever struggle/season the kids are in and supports me through it and vice versa.

Collaboration has meant two things for us...

1. We’re on the same page and the kiddos have more consistency because of it
2. We communicate consistently to create the collaboration the kids need and there’s friendship and trust created from that communication.

So, whether it’s breastfeeding advice with our current and soon-to-be newest family additions, consistent punishments between homes, sharing the good Halloween candy, or volunteering to watch the littles so the other parents can have a date night .... we collaborate to be that team we know our kids need us to be.

Mommin’ ain’t easy but it’s sure easier when you’re not doing it alone


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